Visiting Lordenshaw

Map of Northumberland showing proximity of Lordenshaw to Rothbury

How to get there by car

Lordenshaw is a short drive away from the village of Rothbury. The site is reached via a small track that leaves the B6342 about 4km south of Rothbury at a sharp bend in the road.


Parking is available in the National Park Car Park (approx. capacity 25 cars).

On-site Facilities

Car park on-site.

Public toilets, cafés and other shopping facilities in nearby Rothbury.


The rock art is on a hilly terrain on the same side of road as the car park. The rock art panels are near public footpaths with various degrees of access. There is a wide uphill path leading to the main rock.

GPS Coordinates

Car Park

Main Rock

Horseshoe Rock


Channel Rock